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    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 白花草 collina

    2 白茅根 cog-ongrass rhizome

    3 大红袍(根) clovershrub (root)

    4 冬葵,冬葵果 cluster mallow fruit

    5 杜松实 cone of stiffleaf juniper

    6 防党参 condonopsitis

    7 浮萍(全株) common duckweed (whole plant)

    8 复方板蓝根冲剂 compound Infusion of Isatis Root

    9 复方川贝精片 Comound Tablet of Sichuan Fritillary Bulb

    10 复方大柴胡汤 Composite Major Decoction of Bupleurum Root

    11 复方大承气汤 Composite Major Drastic Purgative Decoctin

    12 复方大青叶注射液 Compound Injection of Isatis Leaf

    13 复方肝炎冲剂 Compound Infusion for Treating Hepatitis

    14 复方感冒片 Compound Tablet for Common Cold

    15 复方蛇胆川贝散 Compound Power of Snake-bile and Fritillary Bulb

    16 胡荽子 coriander fruit

    17 环心丹 Coronary Heart Disease Pill

    18 黄柏(皮) corktree (bark)

    19 黄栌(叶与枝) common smoketree (leaf and twig)

    20 九里香 common jasminorange (leaf and twig)

    21 孔圣枕中丹 Confucian Pill for Hypermnesia

    22 控涎丹 Controlling Phlegm-fluid Pill

    23 龙脑(香) common borne camphor

    24 木棉花 common bombax flower

    25 牛黄镇惊丸 Convulsion-relieving Pill of Cow-bezoar

    26 牛至(全株) common origanum (whole plant)

    27 桑菊感冒片 Cold Treating Tablet of Mulberry Leaf and Chrysanthemum

    28 山茱萸 cornus dogwood fruit

    29 上肉桂 cortex cinnamomi

    30 蛇床子散 Cnidium Powder

    31 伸筋草 club-moss

    32 土地龙 common earthworm

    33 无花果 common fig (receptacle)

    34 小茴香 common fennel fruit

    35 玄明粉 Compound of glauber-salt and Liquorice

    36 旋复花 convolvulus

    37 亚麻子(胡麻子) common flax seed

    38 薏苡仁;生苡仁 coix seed

    39 玉米须 corn stigma

    40 朱砂根 coral ardisia root
