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    译典分类展示:行业标准名称 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 波导元件模数尺寸选择指南 Guide for choosing modular dimensions for waveguide components

    2 粗直径钢丝绳 Large diameter steel wire ropes

    3 固体激光材料名词术语 Terms and definitions of solid-state laser materials

    4 合金结构钢热轧厚钢板 Hot-rolled alloy structural steel plates

    5 红外探测材料型号命名方法 Designation for infrared detecting materials

    6 激光晶体棒型号命名方法 Designation for laser crystal rods

    7 犁壁用热轧三层钢板和宽钢带 Hot-rolled tri-clad plates and wide strips for plough wall

    8 平带传动带轮直径尺寸 Flat belt drive pulleys diameters

    9 轻轨 Light rail

    10 轻轨用垫板 Tie plates for light rails

    11 轻轨用接头夹板 Fish plates for light rails

    12 热轧H型钢和剖分T型钢 The hot-rolled H and cut T section steel

    13 压电陶瓷材料和压电晶体声表面波性能测试方法 Test methods for SAW properties of piezoelectric ceramics and crystals

    14 压缩机阀片用热轧薄钢板 Hot rolled steel sheets for compressor valves

    15 圆钢穿过式涡流探伤检验方法 Round steel--The inspection method for pass type eddy current test

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