属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
属类:经济金融 -商务术语
1 | 科学技术厅原子能局 | Atomic Energy Bureau of Science and Technics Agency |
2 | 矿山生产地质和测量 | geology and surveying in the process of production |
3 | 客座利用率 | utilization ratio of the seating capacity of an aircraft |
4 | 扣留统配物资 | (arbitrary)holding back of materials earmarked for unified distribution |
5 | 出资比例 | (assets are distributed among the parties to the joint venture)in proportion to their shares in the registered capital |
6 | 不足以清偿债务 | (assets)fall short of what is needed to cover the debts |
7 | 送款上门 | (banks took the initiative to)offer loans to their customers |
8 | 三重压迫 | (be subjected to a)threefold oppression by(imperialism,feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism) |
9 | 实际工作者 | (economic)administrators;(economic)executives;practical workers(who specialize in commodity circulation) |
10 | 提职不提薪 | (functionaries)promoted to a higher position may not be given a wage increase |
11 | 海关补税手续 | (go through)procedures for the payment of unpaid customs duties |
12 | 贷款风险 | (hold responsible for the)consequences of the loans |
13 | 持纳税凭证 | (income tax paid abroad by a joint venture on income earned outside China may be credited against the amount of income tax to be paid by the head office)upon presenting a foreign payment receipt |
14 | 领取社会财富的凭证[货币] | (money is a)certificate entitling the possessor to receive social wealth |
15 | 兼业生产 | (peasants)part-time production;engaging in part-time business;(manage)part-time undertakings |
16 | 违章案件处理通知书 | (serve)notice of the violation and disposition of the case |
17 | 联合经营的法人实体 | (set up any)entity as a legal person for joint operation |
18 | 包给劳动者个人经营 | (some small state-owned enterprises)can be run by individualson a contract basis |
19 | 行业管理配套 | (state-owned enterprises)formed complete production network through management by trade |
20 | 社会劳动力耗费于社会使用价值生产 | (time in)expending social labor for the production of social use-value |
21 | 加速通货膨胀 | Accelerated Cargo Clearance and Entry Processing Pilot Test |
22 | 基本供应 | base rate;basic wage rate;base rate of pay 基本工作数据制 basic work data(BWD);basic rate |
23 | 基本工资加吃饭不要钱的制度 | base wages;basic wages;regular wage;regular pay;basic pay;basic wages or salaries |
24 | 基本生产车间 | basic productive sectors(in the national economy 基本生产材料 direct materials) |
25 | 列明详细情况的保单 | broad grant cover subject to enumerated exception;broad grant of cover minus exception |
26 | 筹集资金协定 | construction funds raised for key projects in energy and transport;funds collected from various localities,departments and units for construction of key energy and transport projects |
27 | 逆汇股票汇票 | draft by negotiation;adverseexchange;reverse remittance;bill by negotiation |
28 | 劳动安全卫生法 | expenditure for protecting security of workers;labor safety protection expense |
29 | 了解内幕者 | fixed-variable approach to understanding cost behavior |
30 | 六个优先 | giving priority(to textiles and light industries)in six fields |
31 | 平顶峰度[频率分配曲线的] | indiscriminate transfer of resources;unpaid appropriation;arbitrary transfer of resources between collectives;unpaid transfer of resources |
32 | 试运转费用 | preliminary operation;pilot run;trail run;green run;test run;running-in |
33 | 筹备工程 | preparation expense;organization costs;start-up costs;preliminary expenses;preliminary expenditure;organization expenses |
34 | 毛利百分率 | price margin;margin [信贷];gross margin;markup;gross profit;gross earnings |
35 | 平等互利原则 | principle of equality,mutual benefit and the need to exchange goods with foreign countries |
36 | 盘[交易所] | pursuing speed to match others;compete with one another in the pursuit of growth rates |
37 | 基本建设退够 | return on capital construction investment 基本建设投资总额 total amount of investment in capital construction |
38 | 剪报公司[美国] | streamlining administration and instituting decentralization;simpler administration and decentralization;achieve simpler and decentralized administration;simplifying administration and expanding decision-making power |
39 | 盘存标签 | take stock;stock taking;taking inventory;make an inventory of stock on hand;check;inventory taking |
40 | 基本建设项目计划任务书 | technical design of a capital construction project 基本建设项目竣工验收 check and accept the completed capital construction project |
1 | Atomic Energy Bureau of Science and Technics Agency | 科学技术厅原子能局 | |
2 | geology and surveying in the process of production | 矿山生产地质和测量 | |
3 | utilization ratio of the seating capacity of an aircraft | 客座利用率 | |
4 | (arbitrary)holding back of materials earmarked for unified distribution | 扣留统配物资 | |
5 | (assets are distributed among the parties to the joint venture)in proportion to their shares in the registered capital | 出资比例 | |
6 | (assets)fall short of what is needed to cover the debts | 不足以清偿债务 | |
7 | (banks took the initiative to)offer loans to their customers | 送款上门 | |
8 | (be subjected to a)threefold oppression by(imperialism,feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism) | 三重压迫 | |
9 | (economic)administrators;(economic)executives;practical workers(who specialize in commodity circulation) | 实际工作者 | |
10 | (functionaries)promoted to a higher position may not be given a wage increase | 提职不提薪 | |
11 | (go through)procedures for the payment of unpaid customs duties | 海关补税手续 | |
12 | (hold responsible for the)consequences of the loans | 贷款风险 | |
13 | (income tax paid abroad by a joint venture on income earned outside China may be credited against the amount of income tax to be paid by the head office)upon presenting a foreign payment receipt | 持纳税凭证 | |
14 | (money is a)certificate entitling the possessor to receive social wealth | 领取社会财富的凭证[货币] | |
15 | (peasants)part-time production;engaging in part-time business;(manage)part-time undertakings | 兼业生产 | |
16 | (serve)notice of the violation and disposition of the case | 违章案件处理通知书 | |
17 | (set up any)entity as a legal person for joint operation | 联合经营的法人实体 | |
18 | (some small state-owned enterprises)can be run by individualson a contract basis | 包给劳动者个人经营 | |
19 | (state-owned enterprises)formed complete production network through management by trade | 行业管理配套 | |
20 | (time in)expending social labor for the production of social use-value | 社会劳动力耗费于社会使用价值生产 | |
21 | Accelerated Cargo Clearance and Entry Processing Pilot Test | 加速通货膨胀 | |
22 | base rate;basic wage rate;base rate of pay 基本工作数据制 basic work data(BWD);basic rate | 基本供应 | |
23 | base wages;basic wages;regular wage;regular pay;basic pay;basic wages or salaries | 基本工资加吃饭不要钱的制度 | |
24 | basic productive sectors(in the national economy 基本生产材料 direct materials) | 基本生产车间 | |
25 | broad grant cover subject to enumerated exception;broad grant of cover minus exception | 列明详细情况的保单 | |
26 | construction funds raised for key projects in energy and transport;funds collected from various localities,departments and units for construction of key energy and transport projects | 筹集资金协定 | |
27 | draft by negotiation;adverseexchange;reverse remittance;bill by negotiation | 逆汇股票汇票 | |
28 | expenditure for protecting security of workers;labor safety protection expense | 劳动安全卫生法 | |
29 | fixed-variable approach to understanding cost behavior | 了解内幕者 | |
30 | giving priority(to textiles and light industries)in six fields | 六个优先 | |
31 | indiscriminate transfer of resources;unpaid appropriation;arbitrary transfer of resources between collectives;unpaid transfer of resources | 平顶峰度[频率分配曲线的] | |
32 | preliminary operation;pilot run;trail run;green run;test run;running-in | 试运转费用 | |
33 | preparation expense;organization costs;start-up costs;preliminary expenses;preliminary expenditure;organization expenses | 筹备工程 | |
34 | price margin;margin [信贷];gross margin;markup;gross profit;gross earnings | 毛利百分率 | |
35 | principle of equality,mutual benefit and the need to exchange goods with foreign countries | 平等互利原则 | |
36 | pursuing speed to match others;compete with one another in the pursuit of growth rates | 盘[交易所] | |
37 | return on capital construction investment 基本建设投资总额 total amount of investment in capital construction | 基本建设退够 | |
38 | streamlining administration and instituting decentralization;simpler administration and decentralization;achieve simpler and decentralized administration;simplifying administration and expanding decision-making power | 剪报公司[美国] | |
39 | take stock;stock taking;taking inventory;make an inventory of stock on hand;check;inventory taking | 盘存标签 | |
40 | technical design of a capital construction project 基本建设项目竣工验收 check and accept the completed capital construction project | 基本建设项目计划任务书 |