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    译典分类展示:单位简介 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 "星火计划" Spark Program

    2 大大改善 Significantly improve

    3 风险和责任分担 Shared Risk and Responsibility

    4 技术攻关 Strive to make a technological breakthrough

    5 技术交底 Technical disclosure;Technical explanation

    6 技术密集型企业 Technology intensive

    7 技术下乡 Spread technological knowledge to farmers

    8 科技含量高 Technology content

    9 科研攻关 Scientific research to tackle a key project

    10 人员配置100人 Staffed with 100 persons

    11 生旦净未丑 sheng (of the role of a male actor),dan(the role of a female actor),jing (the actor with a painted face),mo (the role of an old-aged male actor)and chou(the role of a clown)

    12 先进的生产设备 State-of-the-art production equipment

    13 盈余公积 Surplus reserves

    14 中小企业 Small and medium enterprises

    15 自从…年成立以来 Since its foundation/founding/establishment/inception in …
