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    译典分类展示:学习英语 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 曾经;一度 At one time;used to;once upon a time

    2 航海中 At sea;in the middle of the ocean

    3 和平;无争 At peace;feels good;has no regrets

    4 立刻;马上 At once;right now;right away

    5 随意地 how you like it;At pleasure;which ever way

    6 随意地;随便地 At one’s discretion;as you please

    7 午夜十二点时 At midnight;at twelve midnight;when the clock strikes 12

    8 休息;静止 At rest;having a break

    9 在晚上 during the night;At night;when its night

    10 在校,上课中 At school;at class

    11 在正午 At noon;at twelve o’clock

    12 在最好的状态 At one’s best;when doing one’s best

    13 责任由自己负 At one’s own risk;at one’s own danger

    14 终于;详尽地 At length;in the end;before it was over

    15 最多;至多 At most;no more than;no greater than

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