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    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 (…日起)施行 effective as of ……

    2 (xx日)公布 promulgated on …

    3 (被)保险人 insured,insurant

    4 (由当事人)约定 to be agreed upon by parties

    5 包揽租赁 wrap lease---a lease transaction generally involving a lease from an investor to an operating lease company with a sublease by the operating lease company to the end-user lessee.

    6 保管凭证 deposit receipt

    7 保管人(保管合同) depositary

    8 保管人(仓储合同) warehouseman

    9 保险,由A投保 insurance to be effected by A

    10 保险人(保险公司) insurer

    11 保险由买方自理 insurance to be effected by the Buyers

    12 被撤销的合同 rescinded contract

    13 必要的准备时间 the necessary preparation time

    14 表外贷款 off balance sheet loan

    15 表外租赁 off balance sheet lease

    16 裁定(法) award

    17 仓储合同 warehousing contract

    18 仓储物 stored goods

    19 常规融资租赁 conventional finance lease

    20 成功的案例 successful story

    21 承担损害赔偿责任 to be liable for damages

    22 承诺函 commitment letter

    23 城市建设附加费 city development surcharge

    24 除当事人另有约定的以外 unless parties have agreed otherwise

    25 除法律另有规定外 unless the law provides otherwise

    26 存货盘亏 inventories loss

    27 存货人 bailor

    28 打包租赁 bundled lease--a lease in which the lossor pays for taxes,insurance and maintenance on the leased equipment.

    29 贷款人 lender

    30 到期债权 matured claim

    31 等额租金 level payment

    32 递变租金 stepped rent---a lease in which the periodic lease payments are reduced and/or increased at some point at the lease term.

    33 递变租金租赁 stepped payment lease

    34 递减租赁 step-down lease---a lease in which the periodic lease payments are reduced at some point in the lease term.

    35 递增租赁 step-up lease---a lease in which the periodic lease payments are increased at some point in the lease term.

    36 对承租人的好处 benefits to lessee

    37 对出租人的好处 benefits to lessor

    38 合同书形式 form of a written instrument

    39 受让人 transferee

    40 长期应付款 long-term payables

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