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    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 按兵不动 to hold troops

    2 八仙过海 The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea

    3 搬弄是非 tale-bearing

    4 半斤八两 about and about

    5 半身不遂 right-side paralysis;hemiplegia;left-side paralysis

    6 逼上梁山 Driven to Join the Liang Shan Mountain Rebels

    7 冰天雪地 Snow-Bound

    8 不耻下问 not feel shame to ask of and learn from one’s inferior

    9 不速之客 gatecrasher;uninvited guest;party crasher

    10 不言而信 inspiring confidence without words

    11 朝三暮四 be fickle;fickle love

    12 称心如意 As You Like It

    13 成双成对 be a couple [man and woman;married or unmarried]

    14 驰名中外 famous both at home and abroad

    15 赤手空拳 be bare-handed

    16 穿针引线 to thread a needle

    17 吹毛求疵 carp;split hairs

    18 吹毛求疵 nit-pick

    19 垂头丧气 blue;downcast;depressed;dejected

    20 大肆宣传 reckless advertising

    21 刀耕火种 slash and burn cultivation

    22 公平交易 fair dealings;fair deal

    23 公平交易 fair trade

    24 过程控制 proceeding control

    25 含糊其词 double talk

    26 既得利益 vested benefits

    27 立功赎罪 offset guilty by merit

    28 以礼相待 treat people with due respect

    29 以理服人 convince people by sound reasoning

    30 以邻为壑 shift one’s troubles or difficulties on to others

    31 以卵投石 fight a hopeless battle

    32 以身试法 defy the law

    33 以身殉职 die on duty

    34 以身作则 set an example by one’s own action

    35 以身作则 set an example by one’s own action,(said of people holding responsible positions or the head of a family)

    36 以一警百 execute one person as a warning to others

    37 以逸待劳 conserve strength while the enemy tires himself through a long march

    38 长驱直入 to walk over

    39 长生不老 agelessness;everlasting life

    40 长幼有序 the proper formalities between young and old

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