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    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 一笑置之 dismiss with a laugh

    2 一泻千里 (of a river)rushing along;(of a calligrapher)a bold and following style

    3 一泻千里 (of a river)rushing along;(of a calligrapher)a bold and flowing style

    4 一心一意 whole-heartedly

    5 一言九鼎 a word which carries weight

    6 一言难尽 it is a long story

    7 一言为定 reach a binding agreement verbally

    8 一叶知秋 it is a straw in the wind

    9 一衣带水 separated by a narrow strip of water

    10 一意孤行 insist on doing thing in one’s own way

    11 一应俱全 well stocked with all kinds of things

    12 一拥而上 scramble and push to get to the fore

    13 一针见血 go right to the heart of the matter

    14 一枝一栖 (for people out of luck)find a sheltering place or a small job

    15 一知半解 have little knowledge and no comprehension

    16 一纸空文 (of treaties,contracts,laws etc.)become a piece of worthless paper

    17 一掷千金 spend money recklessly

    18 一字褒贬 praise or criticize with a single word

    19 一字千金 (said of a superb piece of writing)every word is worth its weight in gold

    20 一字一板 speak slowly and clearly

    21 衣冠楚楚 be immaculately dressed

    22 衣冠禽兽 a gentleman in appearance but a beast in conduct

    23 衣锦还乡 (after acquiring wealth and honor)return to one’s old home town in full glory

    24 依然如故 remain the same

    25 依违两可 hesitant and indecisive

    26 贻笑大方 become a laughing stock(by showing one’s ignorance)

    27 移风易俗 make changes in customs and traditions

    28 移樽就教 go and ask somebody for his advice

    29 遗臭万年 leave a bad name which will long be remembered

    30 颐指气使 be insufferably arrogant and bossy

    31 疑神疑鬼 full of suspicion

    32 以德报怨 repay injury with kindness

    33 以毒攻毒 fight fire with fire

    34 以讹传讹 incorrectly relay an erroneous message

    35 以讹传讹 (said of rumours)spread incorrectly what is already incorrect

    36 以耳代目 rely on hearsay instead of seeing for oneself

    37 以耳代目 rely one hearsay instead of seeing for oneself

    38 以防万一 prepared for all contingencies

    39 以己度人 judge others by oneself

    40 以礼相待 treat people with due respect
