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    1 洋洋大观 a spectacular sight

    2 洋洋洒洒 (of writing)copious and fluent

    3 仰不愧天 self-examination reveals a clear conscience

    4 仰人鼻息 be at somebody’s beck and call

    5 养儿防老 bring up sons to support parents in their old age

    6 养精蓄锐 (in preparation for a challenging task ahead)nurse one’s strength

    7 养尊处优 live in clover

    8 摇唇鼓舌 instigate by loose talk

    9 摇旗呐喊 (of political followers)cheer or encourage

    10 摇身一变 (of then said of an upstart,turn-coat,etc.)suddenly transform oneself into another kind of person

    11 摇头摆尾 assume an air of complacency or levity

    12 摇头晃脑 assume an air of self-approbation or self-satisfaction

    13 摇尾乞怜 to fawn and obsequious

    14 摇尾乞怜 to fawn and be obsequious

    15 摇摇欲坠 (of a regime,authority etc.)very unstable

    16 遥相呼应 coordinate one’s efforts from afar

    17 遥遥无期 in the indefinite future

    18 杳如黄鹤 be gone forever

    19 杳无音信 without any news for a long time

    20 咬文嚼字 being pedantic

    21 咬牙切齿 gnash the teeth(in anger or hatred)

    22 窈窕淑女 My Fair Lady·1964

    23 要言不烦 brief and to the point

    24 耀武扬威 show off one’s strength or power

    25 叶公好龙 pretend to like something which one really fears

    26 夜郎自大 ignorant and boastful

    27 夜以继日 around the clock

    28 夜长梦多 if a problem or an issue is not settled promptly,twists and obstacles will arise

    29 一败如水 suffer a crushing defeat(militarily)

    30 一败涂地 a fiasco

    31 一板一眼 in regular sequence

    32 一板一眼 methodical but rigid

    33 一本万利 gain enormous profit out of a small capital investment

    34 一本万利 make big profits with a small capital

    35 一本正经 in a serious manner

    36 一鼻孔出气 hold identical options

    37 一鼻孔出气 hold identical opinions

    38 一笔勾销 all cancelled

    39 一笔抹杀 negate totally

    40 一步登天 (of a career etc.)rapid advancement

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