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    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 “绑结式”海报 ""tie-on" poster"

    2 “得票最多者当选”投票制 ""first post the post" voting system"

    3 “类似部长制”制度 ""quasi-ministerial" system"

    4 “免费午餐”政策 ""free lunch" policy"

    5 “民主开放”原则 "principles of "democracy and openness""

    6 “黏贴式”海报 ""stick-on" poster"

    7 “平等时间”原则 “equal time” principle

    8 “双议席双票”制 ""double-seat double-vote" system"

    9 “同意保留分歧意见”的方式 ""agreement to disagree" formula"

    10 “延续”安排 roll-over arrangement

    11 按地区划分的选举 geographically based election

    12 按地区划分的选区 district-based constituency

    13 按地区推举代表的制度 system of geographical representation

    14 按选择次序合计选票的投票制度 preferential addition voting system

    15 按选择次序及重新分配选票票值合计选票的制度 preferential and reallocation of preferences system

    16 按选择次序淘汰点票制 preferential elimination system of counting

    17 按选择次序淘汰投票制 preferential elimination system of voting

    18 按选择次序投票方法 preferential voting method

    19 把投票年龄降低 lower the voting age

    20 办事方式 modus operandi

    21 半按比例投票制 semi-proportional voting system

    22 半官方机构 semi-official mission

    23 保安事务委员会 Panel on Security

    24 保管及掌管 custody and control

    25 保留条文 saving provision

    26 保密规则 rule of confidentiality

    27 保密声明书 Declaration of Secrecy

    28 保险界功能界别 insurance functional constituency

    29 保险业界界别分组 insurance subsector

    30 报告责任 reporting obligation

    31 背景资料 background information

    32 比例代表名单投票制 list system of proportional representation

    33 比例代表投票制 proportional representation voting system

    34 比例代表制;比例代议制 proportional representation

    35 行政管理权 executive power

    36 强制投票 compulsory vote

    37 取消议席 abolition of a seat

    38 特别规定 special provisions

    39 投票程序 voting procedures

    40 指导原则 Guiding Principles

    1 2 3 4 5