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    译典分类展示:中国大陆 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 让价 (of a seller)agree to offer reduced prices

    2 让利 (of a seller)offer soft prices;cut(or reduce)prices

    3 让贤 Retire from one’s leading post in favour of sb. better qualified

    4 热狗 sausage roll;red-hot;frankfurter

    5 热销 be highly marketable;be in great demand;Be hot-selling;sell well;have a ready market

    6 人气 (degree of)popularity;popular enthusiasm

    7 人妖 two-in-one’

    8 认捐 Undertake to contribute;subscribe

    9 日托 Put(one’s child)in a day nursery

    10 入世 Enter(or join)the WTO

    11 入网 Networking

    12 入围 survive the preview;be on the shortlist;(of candidates,applicants .etc)pass the preliminary examination(or contest)

    13 弱势 downward trend;Weak momentum

    14 弱项 One’s weak point

    15 弱者 The weak

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