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    译典分类展示:中国大陆 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 首播 Broadcast or telecast for the first time

    2 首富 The richest man

    3 首映 premiere;have its premiere;(of a film)run for the first time

    4 寿险 life(or endowment)assurance;Life(or endowment)insurance

    5 受聘 Accept an appointment(to a position);be engaged(or appointed);be hired(on contract);hire oneself out(to do sth)

    6 书城 Book mart

    7 书券 Book token

    8 书商 Bookseller;bookmaker

    9 书坛 Calligraphers’ circles;storytellers’ circles

    10 疏理 Unclog and readjust

    11 树龄 Age of a tree;tree ring

    12 刷卡 Use a card(for payment)

    13 帅气 Handsome;smart;dashing;graceful

    14 双赢 Victory for both sides(concerned);win-win;win/win

    15 水城 Waterside town

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