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    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 产业转移示范区 demonstration zones for accepting relocated industries

    2 产业转移示范区 industrial relocation demonstration zone

    3 大变革大调整 tremendous changes and adjustments

    4 大陆海岸线 coastline

    5 大陆理性派 The School of Continental Rationalism

    6 非洲大陆一体化 the Continent’s integration

    7 服务外包示范城市 services outsourcing demonstration cities

    8 高标准自由贸易试验区 high-standard pilot free trade zones

    9 公共安全体系 the public safety system

    10 国际体系变革 transformation of the international system

    11 国家安全体系 national security system

    12 国家安全体制 mechanism for national security

    13 怀疑学派 the Skeptics

    14 基础设施日益完善 improved infrastructural facilities

    15 建立健全反恐工作格局 work out a sound anti-terrorism work pattern

    16 建立健全国内司法体系 establish and improve their domestic judicial systems

    17 建立健全合规管理制度 build up a perfect compliance management system

    18 科研项目和资金管理 the management of research projects and their funding

    19 可见性假说 visibility hypothesis

    20 联手开拓第三方市场 join hands in developing the third market

    21 联手应对国际金融危机 joint response to the international financial crisis

    22 粮食安全和营养保障 food and nutrition security

    23 民用支线客机 civilian regional jets

    24 农业技术试验站 pilot agro-technical station

    25 全面创新改革试验区 pilot reform zone for all-round innovation

    26 人民基本文化权益 the peoples basic cultural rights and interests

    27 顺应人民意愿 respond to the wishes of the people

    28 私人退休金管理 private pension administration

    29 温州肯恩大学 the Wenzhou-Kean University

    30 吸收人类文明有益成果 draw on the achievements of other civilizations

    31 抑制经济发展活力 sap economic vitality

    32 抑制全球通货膨胀 to curb global inflation

    33 引咎辞职制度 the system of resignation

    34 增强消费意愿 to boost the desire to consume

    35 照顾各方舒适度 accommodating the comfort level of all parties

    36 政府职责体系 the government responsibility system

    37 政治意愿 political will

    38 支线客机 regional jet

    39 注重深远经略 to stress on farsighted planning and management

    40 注重效益质量 pay still more attention to efficiency and quality.
