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    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 安全高效 safe and efficient

    2 版权质押 copyright mortagage

    3 北凉敦煌艺术 Dunhuang Art of the Northern Liang Dynasty

    4 残疾人康复条例 Regulations for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled

    5 差额提名 multi-candidate nomination

    6 产权多元化 ownership diversification

    7 持久的合作伙伴 long-term partner

    8 出口退税负担机制 the mechanism for sharing the cost of export tax rebates

    9 错觉艺术处理 Optical Illusion Adjustment

    10 道德心理学 ethics philosophy;moral philosophy

    11 敦煌佛教艺术 Dunhuang Buddhist art

    12 多元化融资体系 a diversified financing system

    13 佛陀十大弟子 The Ten Principal Disciples of the Buddha

    14 干部任用提名制度 the cadre nomination system

    15 干预过多 excess intervention

    16 高效农业体系 high-efficiency agricultural system

    17 公安派出所组织条例 Organic Regulations on Police Stations

    18 国际人道主义救援 international humanitarian assistance

    19 国家矿山应急救援队 national mine emergency rescue team

    20 国土资源行政主管部门 the land and resources administration department

    21 教学光盘播放设备 audio and visual players

    22 接续替代产业 substitute and alternative industries

    23 金砖国家青年政策对话 BRICS Youth Policy Dialogue

    24 具体的乌托邦 concrete utopia

    25 具体的总体 concrete totality

    26 理论和实践的统一 the unity of theory and practice

    27 民主管理制度 the institution for democratic management

    28 民主替代 democratic alternative

    29 青年党武装分子 Al-Shabaab

    30 权力制约 restraint on power;restriction of power

    31 上下同欲者胜 Success belongs to those who share;from top to bottom;in one purpose.Success comes to those who share in one purpose.

    32 上下同欲者胜 Success belongs to those who share;from top to bottom;in one purpose.

    33 十大弟子像 Sculptures of the Ten Disciples

    34 十大弟子像 Statues of the Ten Principal Disciples

    35 松村一人 Kazuto Matsumura;まつむら かずと

    36 外观(又作假象) appearance;look;illusion;Schein

    37 文化创意产业 the cultural and creative industries

    38 我国海外合法权益 Chinas legitimate rights and interests overseas

    39 住宿和餐饮业 hotel and catering sectors

    40 住宿和餐饮业零售额 the lodging and catering industry

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