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    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 必然性逻辑 the logic of necessity;logical necessity

    2 表达权 rights to be heard

    3 表达权 right to be heard

    4 财政和税收理论 finance and taxation

    5 恶的无限性 bad infinity

    6 房地产税收制度 the real estate tax system

    7 公司法人治理结构 government oversight

    8 供给侧结构性改革 structural reform on the supply side

    9 供给侧结构性改革 supply-side structural reform

    10 国际税收治理机制 international tax governance

    11 海上纠纷 maritime dispute

    12 和谈障碍 obstacles to peace talks

    13 核反击 nuclear counterattack

    14 核反击能力 capability of nuclear counterattacks

    15 候选人提名制度 the system for nominating candidates

    16 激发民间投资活力 bring out the energy of nongovernmental investment

    17 减轻小微企业税费负担 ease the tax burden on small and micro businesses

    18 纠纷解决中心 dispute settlement center

    19 科技型小微企业 small and micro science and technology companies

    20 联合验证 joint validations

    21 内需拉动力 domestic demand

    22 排外条款 a single article that is exclusive

    23 人民表达权 peoples right to express views on

    24 生产和积累 production and accumulation

    25 市场预期持续走低 market expectations remain low

    26 四化同步 integrating the development of industrialization,IT application,urbanization and agricultural modernization

    27 土地托管 land under trusteeship

    28 小微企业 small and micro businesses

    29 小微企业 small and micro enterprises

    30 刑法修正案(九) the Amendment(IX)to the Criminal Law

    31 亚太财经与发展中心 Asia-Pacific Finance and Development Center

    32 验证度 degree of confirmation

    33 医疗纠纷调处机制 the mechanism for settling medical disputes

    34 医疗纠纷预防调解机制 mechanisms for preempting and mediating medical disputes

    35 在华投资兴业 its commitment to provide better services

    36 战略反击 strategic counterattack

    37 中东地区的和平与稳定 peace and stability in the Middle East

    38 中国有13亿多人口 China;a country with over 1.3 billion people

    39 资本的积累 accumulation of capital;capital accumulation

    40 组织核反击行动 to carry out nuclear counterattack
