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    译典分类展示:中国大陆 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 减幅 (rate)of decrease

    2 减负 apply less pressure(to students);lighten the burden(on students);Ease(或relieve)the pressure(on students)

    3 减薪 get a salary cut;Get a cut in salary

    4 贱卖 Sell cheap(或at a low price)

    5 剑坛 Circle of fencers

    6 降幅 Amount(/extent/rate)of decrease

    7 降息 Lower(或cut;reduce)the interest rate

    8 交警 Traffic policeman

    9 交椅 (official)position;(high)post

    10 教龄 Length of teaching(或service as a teacher);teaching standing

    11 教态 One’s attitude towards teaching;teachers’ attitude towards work(and students)

    12 接轨 be in line with;Gear sth. To;bring sth. In line with

    13 揭牌 Unveil(a monument,statue,etc);inaugurate

    14 洁具 Toilet utensils;sanitary equipments(或ware)

    15 借脑 Temporarily hire talented personnel(usu. From elsewhere)/introduce talented personnel
