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    译典分类展示:历史机构名称 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 弓矢司 QING: Bow and Arrow Office

    2 公车署 N-S DIV (N.Qi): Grievance Office (an agency in charge of receiving public complaints about injustice and memorializing accordingly)

    3 公车司马门 HAN-N-S DIV: Gate Traffic Control Office

    4 公主府 TANG,QING: Princess’ Establishment

    5 公主邑司 TANG-SONG: Administration of the Princess’ Estate

    6 宫殿府行工部 YUAN: Palace Branch of the Ministry of Works

    7 宫殿监 QING: Directorate of Palace Domestic Service

    8 宫府寺 TANG: official variant of“家令寺” (Household Provisioner’s Court)in the establishment of the heir apparent

    9 宫籍监 JIN: Directorate of Palace Accounts

    10 宫门将府 SUI-TANG: palace gate guard command

    11 宫门司 1. SUI-YUAN: variant reference to “宫门居”(the Gatekeepers Service)2. JIN: Palace Gates Office

    12 宫师府 JIN-YUAN: Administration of the Heir Apparent

    13 宫闱局 SUI-SONG,JIN: Palace Gates Service

    14 宫苑总监 SUI-JIN,QING: Directorate-General of the Imperial Parks

    15 供奉侍卫 TANG: imperial bodyguard

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