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    译典分类展示:历史机构名称 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 汉本房 Chinese Document Section in the Grand Secretariat“内阁”

    2 汉档房 Chinese Archive (in the Court of Colonial Affairs“理藩院”)

    3 汉二班 QING;Second Chinese Duty Group (one of 4 groups of Secretaries in the Council of State“军机章京”)

    4 汉军八旗 Eight Chinese Banners (one of 3 groups in the Banner system of military organization)

    5 汉票签处 Chinese Document Registry (in the Grand Secretariat“内阁”)

    6 汉头班 First Chinese Duty Group (one of 4 groups of Secretaries in the Council of State“军机章京”)

    7 翰林国史院 Hanlin and Historiography Academy

    8 翰林图画院 Imperial Painting Academy

    9 翰林学士院 TANG-QING: Hanlin Academy

    10 翰林医官院 DYN-JIN: Hanlin medical Institute

    11 翰林御书院 Hanlin Imperial Academy of Calligraphy

    12 合同凭由司 Certificate validation Office (a unit in the Palace Eunuch Service“入内内侍省”)

    13 河泊所 MING-QING: Fishing Tax Office

    14 河道提举司 Waterways Supervisorate

    15 河防提举司 Supervisorate of River Defense

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