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    译典分类展示:历史机构名称 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 监津渠曹 section supervising fords and drainways

    2 监门府 SUI,TANG: palace gate guard

    3 监门率府 SUI-SONG: gate guard command

    4 监门卫 TANG-SONG: palace gate guard

    5 监物务 office of monopolized goods

    6 检察宫陵所 Office for the Care of Imperial Mausoleums

    7 检法案 legal research section (a minor unit staffed with law specialists)

    8 检详房 editorial office

    9 检校所 an abbrev of “检校批验所”(the Tea and Salt Control Station)

    10 健锐营 Scouting Brigade

    11 谏官案 Remonstrance Section (in the Chancellery“门下省” and the Secretariat“中书省”)

    12 谏官御史厅 office of remonstrating censors

    13 将作曹 Construction Section

    14 将作监 SUI-LIAO: Directorate for the Palace Buildings

    15 将作少府监 Directorate for the Palace Buildings

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