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    译典分类展示:历史机构名称 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 官医提举司 YUAN: Supervisorate of Physicians

    2 官医提领所 YUAN: Suuperintendency of Physician Families

    3 管勾司 YUAN: Clerks Office (in the Bureau of Musical Ritual“仪凤司”)

    4 管匠都提领所 YUAN: Superintendency-in-Chief for Artisans

    5 管民总管府 YUAN: Civil Administration Command

    6 光禄寺 N-S DIV(N. Qi)-QING: Court of Imperial Entertainments

    7 广储司 QING: storage office

    8 广惠仓 SONG: Public Welfare Granary

    9 广惠库 MING: common abbrev. of “宝钞广惠库”the Treasury for the Benevolent Issuance of Paper Money

    10 广惠司 YUAN: Moslem Medical Office

    11 广济提举司 YUAN: Supervisorate of Medical Relief

    12 广亲睦亲宅 SONG: Hostel for Imperial Clansmen

    13 广西房 SONG: Southwestern Defense Section

    14 规运司 YUAN: Religious Support Office

    15 国史案 SONG: Section for the History of the State

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