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    译典分类展示:历史机构名称 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 殿中局 N-S DIV (N.Qi): Palace Administration (a non-eunuch unit in the Chancellery “门下省”in general charge of administering and provisioning the imperial palace)

    2 殿中省 N-S DIV (3 Kingd Wei),TANG-SONG: Palace Administration

    3 殿中司 1.LIAO:Palace Administration Office 2.YUAN: variant of“殿院”(the Palace Bureau in the Censor ate“御史台”)

    4 雕木局 YUNA: Woodworking Service

    5 定夺案 SONG: Section for Terminations

    6 定科曹 N-S DIV (3 Kings Wei): Law Codification Section

    7 东都苑 TANG: Imperial Parks at the Eastern Capital (Luoyang)

    8 东宫九牧监 TANG: Heir Apparent’s Nine Directorates of Horse Pasturages

    9 东门取索司 SONG: Toll Office at the East Gate

    10 东染院 SONG: East Dyeing Office (a palace workshop headed by a commissioner“使”)

    11 东西库 SONG: Eastern and Western Storehouses

    12 都兵曹 N-S DIV: Section in the Capital

    13 都部署 SONG-LIAO: Chief Administration Office

    14 都部署司 LIAO: Tribal Chief (designation of the heads of some routes of “路”tribal armies)

    15 都漕运司 JIN-MING: Chief Transport Office

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