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    译典分类展示:称谓语 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 北京军区司令员 Commander of Beijing Military Area Command

    2 第二炮兵司令员 Commander of the Second Artillery Force

    3 二级士官(海军) Petty Officer (Level 2)

    4 国防科技大学校长 President of the National University of Defense Technology

    5 济南军区司令员 Commander of Jinan Military Area Command

    6 解放军纪委书记 Secretary of PLA Committee for Disciplinary Inspection

    7 军事科学院院长 President of Academy of Military Sciences

    8 军委办公厅主任 Director of the General Office of Central Military Commission

    9 兰州军区司令员 Commander of Lanzhou Military Area Command

    10 上等兵(海军) Seaman(First Class)

    11 上等兵(空军) Airman (First Class)

    12 上等兵(陆军) Private(First Class)

    13 沈阳军区司令员 Commander of Shenyang Military Area Command

    14 武警部队司令员 Commander of Chinese People’s Armed Police Force

    15 总装备部政委 Political Commissar of the General Armament Department

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