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    译典分类展示:称谓语 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 非洲事务助理国务卿 Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs

    2 通讯、信息和信息学助理总干事 Assistant Director-General for Communications,Information and Informatics

    3 委员会助理秘书 Assistant Secretary to the Committee

    4 主管埃塞俄比亚紧急行动助理秘书长 Assistant Secretary-General for Emergency Operations in Ethiopia

    5 主管对外关系局助理总干事 Assistant Director-General for the Bureau for External Relations

    6 主管发展研究和政策分析事务助理秘书长 Assistant Secretary-General for Development Research and Policy Analysis

    7 主管人力资源管理(发展)助理秘书长 Assistant Secretary-General for Human Resources Management (Development)

    8 主管人权事务中心助理秘书长 Assistant Secretary-General,Centre for Human Rights

    9 主管外勤业务和外部支助活动助理秘书长 Assistant Secretary-General for Field Operations and External Support Activities

    10 主管维持和平行动助理秘书长 Assistant Secretary-General for Peace-keeping Operations

    11 助理财务干事 Assistant Finance Officer

    12 助理操作管理员 Assistant Operations Manager

    13 助理高级专员 Assistant High Commissioner

    14 助理执行主任兼环境基金主任 Assistant Executive Director and Director,Environment Fund

    15 助理驻地代表(行政干事) Assistant Resident Representative (Administrative Officer)

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