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    译典分类展示:习语名句 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 一失足成千古恨 one pit-fall leads to endless misery and regret

    2 一世之雄 a great hero of his time

    3 一事无成 accomplish nothing

    4 一视同仁 with no discrimination (in treating people)

    5 一手包办 be dictatorial

    6 一手遮天 hide the truth from the people

    7 一丝不挂 be stark-naked

    8 一丝一毫 the tinniest bit of

    9 一塌糊涂 in a complete mess or in an awful state

    10 一潭死水 in a stagnant or lifeless condition

    11 一团和气 full of good will toward one another

    12 一网打尽 of criminals,rebels or other undesirable elements round up the whole lot

    13 一往情深 by very much devoted to

    14 一往情深 be very much devoted to

    15 一往无前 go ahead bravely without looking back
