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    译典分类展示:历史机构名称 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 乘黄署 TANG: office of the imperial coachman (one of the 4 principal units in the Court of the Imperial Stud “太仆寺”)

    2 大林牙院 LIAO: Secretarial academy (a unit of the northern administration)

    3 大辂厩 HAN: Stable for ceremonial chariots (one of numerous function specific units under the chamberlain for the Imperial Stud“太仆”)

    4 大木局 YUAN: carpentry service (a unit of the Palace Maintenance Office“修内司”)

    5 大睦亲府 JIN: official variant of “大宗正府”(the Court of the Imperial Clan)

    6 大内都部署 SONG-LIAO: Chief Administration Office of the Imperial Residence

    7 大秋台 TANG-QING: unofficial reference to “刑部”(the Ministry of Justice)

    8 大三司 TANG: Senior Three Judicial Offices (designation of a court tribunal consisting of the beads of the Ministry of Justice“刑部”,the Censor ate“御史台” and the Court of Judicial Review“大理寺”)

    9 大晟府 SONG: Imperial Music Bureau

    10 大司农司 YUAN: Grand Agricultural Administration

    11 大特哩衮司 LIAO: Court of the Imperial Clan

    12 大惕隐司 LIAO: Office of the Grand Clansman

    13 大王府 LIAO: Office of the Grand Prince

    14 大禧宗禋院 YUAN: Official for Religious Administration

    15 大小雕木局 YUAN: Large and Small Woodworking Service
