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    译典分类展示:历史机构名称 次级分类:

    序号 中文 英文 操作
    1 编估局 SONG:Classification and Estimate Section (under the Court of the Imperial Treasury “太府寺”)

    2 编类圣政所 SONG:Office for the Compilation by Category of Imperial Policy Pronouncements

    3 编类御笔所 SONG:Office for the Compilation by Categories of Imperial Pronouncements

    4 编修时政记房 SONG:Office for Maintaining a Record of Current Policies (a unit of the Bureau of Military Affairs “枢密院”)

    5 编修院 SONG:Bureau of Compilation (a unit of the Chancellery “门下省” to prepare successive periodically updated histories of the dynasty)

    6 编修中书条例所 SONG:Office for the Compilation of Secretariat Regulations

    7 表奏议司 SONG:Decision Expediting Office (in the Left Bureau “左厅” of the Court of Judicial Review “大理寺”)

    8 别教院 TANG:Court of Special Instruction 9a unit of the Imperial Music Office “太乐署”

    9 宾客司 QING:Receptions Bureau (one of the original 4 bureaus “清吏司” in the Court of Colonial Affairs “理藩院”)

    10 兵备道 MING-QING:Military Defense Circuit

    11 兵部司 SUI-YUNA:Bureau of Military Appointments (in the Ministry of War “兵部”)

    12 步军司 SONG:Metropolitan Infantry Command

    13 漕运司 JIN-YUAN:Transport Office

    14 草料场 SONG:fodder yard

    15 辟雍省 SONG:reference to “国子监” (the Directorate of Education)
