属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 22
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:父亲节
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-“同谋”成为Dictionary.com网站2017年年度词汇
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-日食很美,被人盖过风头就不美啦
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:“别喝迷魂汤”和“斯德哥尔摩综合征”
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-牛津辞典2018年年度词汇是“有毒的”
1 | 我的女儿自己买了一本书。 | My daughter bought a book herself.||My daughter herself bought a book. | |
2 | 我和我爱人都没法说服我的女儿改变主意。 | Neither my wife nor I myself an able to persuade my daughter to change her mind. | |
3 | 我女儿Jane从来没有想到她会收到一封从荷兰来的信,这是一个和她同龄的女孩寄给她的。 | My daughter , Jane, never dreamed of receiving a letter from a girl of her own age in Holland. | |
4 | 我女儿使我转而喜欢流行音乐。 | My daughter has converted me to pop music. | |
5 | 我女儿有时早上显得那么兴高采烈,使我感到诧异。 | My daughter sometimes surprises me when she’s cheerful in the morning | |
6 | 我女儿在学校很忙。 | My daughter is busy at school. | |
7 | 我是为了我的女儿才买了这本字典。 | It is for my daughter that I bought this dictionary. | |
8 | 我希望她始终感觉自己是美国的亲生女儿,而不是养女。 | I hope she’ll always feel like a daughter of American, and not like a stepchild. | |
9 | 我现在正带我女儿出去吃饭||我打算带我女儿出去吃饭 | I’m taking my daughter out for a meal | |
10 | 握着书记手的是这位农民的小女儿。 | Holding the secretary’s hand is the peasant’s young daughter . | |
11 | 一天下午,她对丈夫说,“乔,亲爱的,我找到一个学生啦,是位将军的女儿,非常可爱。 | "One afternoon she said to her husband,""Joe, dear, I’ve found a pupil, a general’s daughter . he is a sweet girl." | |
12 | 医生淘气的女儿敲着锁着的门。 | The doctor’s naughty daughter knocked at the locked door. | |
13 | 在核对了各种类型相机的全部资料后,他相信女儿选得不错。这部相机看来价廉物美。他帮助女儿在网上订购了这台相机。 | After he had checked out all the information about different kinds of cameras, he believed his daughter had made a good decision. This camera seemed to offer the most at the best price. He helped her order the camera online. | |
14 | 这次求婚使他和他的女儿感到震惊。 | Both he and his daughter were horrified at the proposal | |
15 | 昨天早晨我进城时见到了你女儿。 | Yesterday morning, when I was going to town, I met your daughter . | |
16 | 有些网站称,最早使用这句话的是一位名为加莱阿佐·齐亚诺的意大利外交官。他娶了二战期间意大利领导人墨索里尼的女儿。 | Several websites claim that the man who first used this phrase was an Italian diplomat named Count Caleazzo Ciano. He was married to a daughter of Benito Mussolini, Italy’s leader during World War II. | |
17 | ||1:人们对同谋这个单词的关注始于每周播出的电视喜剧节目《周六夜现场》中的一则讽刺视频。||2:视频展示了一条虚假广告,内容是川普千金伊万卡设计了一款名为“同谋”的香水。||3:视频中的背景音念道:“她美丽,她有影响力,她是同谋。”||4:这则讽刺视频试图将伊万卡同人们对她父亲的竞选人员违反法律的谴责联系起来。 | ||1:Interest in "complicit" began with a satire video on Saturday Night Live, a weekly television comedy.||2:The video shows a fake commercial for a perfume designed by Ivanka Trump, a daughter of the United States President Donald Trump. The name of the perfume is "Complicit."||3:A voice in the video explains, "She’s beautiful, she’s powerful, she’s complicit."||4:The satire tries to connect Ms. Trump with accusations that people in her father’s election campaign broke laws. | |
18 | ||1:许多日食的同义词也涉及到了光和投射阴影,例如在上个姐姐盖过妹妹的例子中就用到了outshine这个单词。||2:如果某人或某物盖过另一人或物,就是说他们发射出来的光芒如此明亮,导致没有人会注意到其它东西。||3:你也可以说这个姐姐让妹妹黯然失色,或者说这个妹妹活在姐姐的阴影之下。 | ||1:Many synonyms of eclipse deal with light and casting shadows, like in the example of the older sister outshining the younger.||2:If a person or a thing outshines another, the light they give off is so bright that no one notices anything else.||3:You could also say the older daughter cast a shadow on her younger sister. Or you could say the younger sister was living in the shadow of her older sister. | |
19 | 斯德哥尔摩综合征在美国一个著名的例子涉及到一位名为帕蒂·赫斯特(Patty Hearst)的女性富二代。1974年,一家名为共生军的组织绑架了赫斯特,19岁的她是一位报业富豪的孙女。 | A famous example of Stockholm syndrome here in the U.S. relates to a wealthy heiress named Patty Hearst. In 1974 a group called the Symbionese Liberation Army kidnapped Hearst, the 19-year-old grand-daughter of a wealthy newspaper owner. | |
20 | 这些搜索始于身在英国的俄罗斯前间谍谢尔盖·斯基里帕尔及其女儿的有毒化学物中毒。然后,叙利亚的一次有毒化学武器袭击造成至少40人死亡,并引发美国发动导弹袭击(进行报复)。 | The searches began with the toxic chemical poisoning of former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter in Britain. Then, in Syria, a toxic chemical weapon attack killed at least 40 people and led to a missile strike from the United States. |