1 | 在花旗银行,您所拥有的并不仅仅是帐目上的一个数字而已。 | At Citibank, we believe you are much more than a number on an account. | |
2 | 无论您身处生命中的哪一个阶段,我们的存款产品都能恰如其分地帮助您管理您的个人财务事宜。无论您身处何方,都能享受到我们始终如一的优质服务。 | That’s why we’ve designed our depository products to help you manage your finances at all the various stages in your life, with the same impeccable service wherever you go. | |
3 | 花旗银行的活期存款包括外汇活期存款、外币现钞活期存款以及人民币活期存款。 | We have FCY savings, FCY note savings and RMB savings. | |
4 | 我们的外汇活期存款适用的币种包括美元、港币、欧元、日元、英镑、澳大利亚元、加拿大元、新加坡元、瑞士法郎共9种货币。 | For FCY savings, We offer savings accounts in USD, HKD, EUR, YEN, GBP, AUD, CAD, SGD and CHF. For FCY note savings, we offer savings account only in USD. For checking, we offer RMB checking account to non-residents only. | |
5 | 您可以通过您在花旗银行的人民币结算帐户开立支票,供同城结算使用。 | You may issue checks in RMB from your RMB settlement account for intra-city transactions. | |
6 | 所有人民币帐户仅限于上海分行,仅适用于外籍人士及港澳台同胞 | All RMB Accounts are only available to customers of Shanghai Branches, for the overseas citizens of other countries and citizens of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. | |
7 | 当您在选择外汇定期存款时,您可以根据您的需要自由选择存款期限及存款到期后的展期方式。 | Choosing a Foreign Currency Time Deposit gives you the benefit of freely choosing the length of the deposit period and the flexibility of simple and convenient renewal options. | |
8 | 我们提供品种繁多的个人存款服务,包括人民币和外汇指定活期存款/支票帐户以及定期存款。通过花旗网上银行或电话银行,您随时可以灵活掌控您的个人财务事宜。 | From a wide range of local and foreign currency denominated Savings/Checking Accounts and Time Deposits, you have full flexibility and control of your finances with access to your accounts via Citibank Online, or through phone banking. | |
9 | 我们向您提供5种期限的定期存款业务:1个月、2个月、3个月、6个月和12个月。 | We can offer you up to 5 different terms: 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months. | |
10 | 开立外汇定期存款帐户时,您可以任选以下一种展期方式 | When opening a time deposit account, you may have one of the following renewal options | |
11 | 仅续存本金。您的利息将自动转入您的活期帐户。 | You need only renew the principle. Your interest will then be transferred to your savings account. | |
12 | 续存“本金+利息”。我们将默认相同的期限续存本金和利息。 | You may renew both the principle and interest. The default renewal period will remain the same as the original time deposit. | |
13 | 不续存。所有的本金及利息将自动转入您的活期帐户。 | No renewal is necessary. Both your principle and interest will be transferred to your savings account. | |
14 | 花旗银行外币现钞定期存款适用的币种为美元现钞。当您选择外币现钞定期存款时,您可以根据您的需要自由选择存款期限及存款到期后的展期方式。 | For FCY note deposits, we offer deposits account only in USD.Choosing a Foreign Currency Notes Time Deposit gives you the benefit of freely choosing the length of the deposit period and the flexibility of simple and convenient renewal methods. | |
15 | 花旗银行为每位贵宾特派一名财富管理经理,专责与您直接沟通,提供贴身的个人化服务,全面照顾您的理财需要。 | Citibank provides you with a designated citigold Relationship Manager who will communicate directly with you to provide personalized service and care for all your financial management needs. | |
16 | 作为一个在全球100多个国家和地区拥有分支的金融机构,花旗银行将利用其巨大的专业网络为您提供全面周到的环球金融服务。 | As a financial institution with branches in over 100 countries and areas, Citibank uses an enormous professional network to provide you with worldwide financial services. | |
17 | 无论您身处国内还是国外,均可通过我们创新的服务方式及周到的沟通途径处理私人财务。 | Whether at home or abroad, you can utilize our services along with all our communication channels to help you handle your personal finances. | |
18 | 领先的涵义不仅在于拥有傲人的财富,更在于尽情享受超凡尊崇的生活,让品味出众的您,时刻领先一筹,体验优越过人的生活理念与乐趣! | Leading means not only owning abundant wealth but also delighting in leisure life. Citigold Leading Life Salon brings you a leading life with lofty tastes, and takes you into a leisurely world with unparallel advantage. | |
19 | 为您度身定制尊崇生活空间 | Personalized Lofty Space-Just for You | |
20 | 领先生活沙龙,只为尊享花旗财富管理贵宾殊衔的您专设,与众不同的至尊礼遇,象征您的显赫身份。 | Leading Life Salon is exclusively prepared for citigold customers with unparallel privileges as a symbol of their prestigious status. |