1 | 中华人民共和国经济合同法 | Economic Contract Law of the People ’ s Republic of China | |
2 | 第一条 为保障社会主义市场经济的健康发展。保护经济合同当事人的合法权益,维护社会经济秩序,促进社会士义现代化建设,制定本法。 | Article 1 This Law is formulated with a view to safeguarding the sound development of the socialist market economy, protecting the lawful rights and interests of the parties to economic contracts, maintaining the socio-economic order and promoting the progress of the socialist modernization drive. | |
3 | 第二条 本法适用于中等民事主体的法人。其他经济组织,个体工商户、农村承包经营户相互之间.为实现一定经济目的,明确相互权利义务关系而订立的合同。 | Article 2 This Law shall be applicable to contracts entered into between civil subjects of equal footing, that is, between legal persons or other economic organizations or self-employed industrial and commercial households or leaseholding farm households for the purpose of realizing certain economic goals and defining the rights and obligations of the parties. | |
4 | 第三条 经济合同,除即时清结者外,应当采用书面形式,当事人协商同意的有关修改合同的文书、电报和图表,也是合同的组成部分。 | Article 3 Economic contracts, except for those in which accounts are settled immediately, shall be in written form. Documents, telegrams and charts that relate to the modification of a contract and that are agreed upon by the parties through consultation shall also be integral parts of the contract. | |
5 | 第四条 订立经济合同,必须遵守法律和行政法规。任何单位和个人不得利用合同进行违法活动,扰乱社会经济秩序,损害国家利益和社会公共利益,牟取非法收入。 | Article 4 In concluding an economic contract, the parties must comply with the laws, administrative rules and regulations. No unit or individual may make use of a contract to engage in illegal activities, disrupt the socio-economic order, damage the interests of the State or the public interest, and seek illegal incomes. | |
6 | 第五条 订立经济合同,应当遵循平等互利、协商一致的原则。仟何一方不得把自己的意志强加给对方。任何单位和个人不得非法干预。 | Article 5 In concluding an economic contract, the parties must follow the principles of equality and mutual benefit and agreement through consultation. No party may impose its own will on the other party, and no unit or individual may illegally interfere. | |
7 | 第六条 经济合同依法成立,即具有法律约束力,当事人必须全面履行合同规定的义务,任何一方不得擅自变更或解除合同。 | Article 6 As soon as an economic contract is established in accordance with the law, it shall have legally binding force, and the parties must fully perform their obligations as stipulated in the contract. Neither party may unilaterally modify or rescind the contract. | |
8 | 第七条 下列经济合同为无效: | Article 7 The following economic contracts shall be void: | |
9 | 一、违反法律和行政法规的合同; | (1)contracts violating the law, administrative rules and regulations; | |
10 | 二、采取欺诈、胁迫等手段所签订的合同; | (2)contracts signed through the use of fraud, coercion or similar means; | |
11 | 三、代理人超越代理权限签订的合同或以被代理人的名义同自己或者向自已所代理的其他人签订的合同; | (3)contracts signed by an agent beyond the scope of his power of agency, or contracts signed by an agent in the name of his principal with himself or with another person whom he represents; and | |
12 | 四、违反国家利益成社会公共利益的经济合同。 | (4)economic contracts violating the interests of the State or the public interest. | |
13 | 无效的经济合同,从订立的时候起,就没有法律约束力。确认经济合同部分无效的,如果不影响其余部分的效力,其余部分仍然有效。 | Economic contracts that are void from the time they are concluded shall have no legally binding force. If a part of an economic contract is confirmed to be void, without affecting the validity of the remainder, the remainder shall still be valid. | |
14 | 经济合同的无效。中级人民法院或者仲裁机构确认。 | The voidness of an economic contract shall be confirmed by the people’s courts or the arbitration agencies. | |
15 | 第八条 购销、建设工程承包、加工承揽、货物运输、供用电、仓储保管、财产租赁、借款、财产保险以及其他经济合同,除法律另有规定的以外,均适用本法的规定。 | Article 8 The provisions of this Law shall, except as otherwise provided in the laws, apply to all contracts for purchase and sale, construction projects, processing transportation of goods, supply and use of electricity, warehousing, lease of property, loans and property insurance and other economic contracts. | |
16 | 第二章 经济合同的订立和履行 | Chapter Ⅱ The Conclusion and Performanceof Economic Contracts | |
17 | 第九条 当事人双方依法就经济合同的主要条款经过协商一致,经济合同就成立。 | Article 9 An economic contract is established once both parties have, in accordance with the law, reached agreement through consultation on the principal clauses of the contract. | |
18 | 第十条 代订经济合同,必须事先取得委托人的委托证明,并根据授权范围以委托人的名义签订,才对委托人直接产生权利和义务。 | Article 10 hen an economic contract is to be concluded through an agent, the agent must first obtain a proxy in writing from the principal and sign the contract in the name of the principal within the scope of his power of agency, before the contract directly gives rise to rights and obligations on the part of the principal. | |
19 | 第十一条 国家根据需要向企业下达指定性计划,有关企业之间应当依照有关法律、行政法规规定的企业的权利和义务签订合同。 | Article 11 In case the State issues a mandatory plan to enterprises according to needs, relevant enterprises shall conclude contracts between them in accordance with their rights and duties as stipulated by laws and administrative rules and regulations. | |
20 | 第十二条 经济合同应具备以下主要条款: | Article 12 An economic contract shall contain the following principal clauses: |