1 | 第二章预算管理职权 | Chapter II Functions and Powers for Budget Management | |
2 | 第三章预算收支范围 | Chapter III Scope of Budgetary Revenues and Expenditures | |
3 | 第五章预算审查和批准 | Chapter V Examination and Approval of Budgets | |
4 | 第一条为了强化预算的分配和监督职能,健全国家对预算的管理,加强国家宏观调控,保障经济和社会的健康发展,根据宪法,制定本法。 | Article 1 In accordance with the Constitution and for the purposes of strengthening the distribution and supervisory function of budget, improving the budget management of the State, intensifying the micro-scope regulation and control of the State, and ensuring the sound socio-economic development, this Law is enacted. | |
5 | 第二条国家实行一级政府一级预算,设立中央,省、自治区、直辖市、设区的市、自治州,县、自治县、不设区的市、市辖区,乡、民族乡、镇五级预算。 | Article 2 The State shall establish budget at each level of the government, namely, at the five levels: the Central Government; the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government; the cities divided into districts and autonomous prefectures; the counties, autonomous counties, cities not divided into districts, and municipal districts; the townships, nationality townships and towns. | |
6 | 不具备设立预算条件的乡、民族乡、镇,经省、自治区、直辖市政府确定,可以暂不设立预算。 | Townships, nationality townships and towns where conditions do not permit the establishment of budget, subject to the determination by the people’s governments of the respective provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government, may temporarily not establish budget. | |
7 | 第三条各级预算应当做到收支平衡。 | Article 3 Budget at various levels shall maintain a balance between revenues and expenditures. | |
8 | 第四条中央政府预算(以下简称中央预算)由中央各部门(含直属单位,下同)的预算组成。 | Article 4 The budget of the Central Government (hereinafter referred to as the central budget)consists of the budgets of its different departments (including the units directly under them, similarly hereinafter). | |
9 | 中央预算包括地方向中央上解的收入数额和中央对地方返还或者给予补助的数额。 | The central budget includes revenues turned over by the local governments to the Central Government and revenues refunded or subsidies granted by the Central Government to the local governments. | |
10 | 第五条地方预算由各省、自治区、直辖市总预算组成。 | Article 5 The local budget consists of the general budgets of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. | |
11 | 地方各级总预算由本级政府预算(以下简称本级预算)和汇总的下一级总预算组成; | A local general budget at any level consists of the budget of the government at the corresponding level (hereinafter referred to as budget at the corresponding level)and the totalized general budget at the next lower level. | |
12 | 下一级只有本级预算的,下一级总预算即指下一级的本级预算。 | Where the next lower level has only the budget of the government at the corresponding level, the totalized general budget at the next lower level means the budget of the government at the corresponding level. | |
13 | 没有下一级预算的,总预算即指本级预算。 | In the absence of the budget at the next lower level, the general budget means the budget of the government at the corresponding level. | |
14 | 地方各级政府预算由本级各部门(含直属单位,下同)的预算组成。 | The budget of a local government at any level consists of the budgets of the various departments at the corresponding level (including the units directly under them, similarly hereinafter). | |
15 | 地方各级政府预算包括下级政府向上级政府上解的收入数额和上级政府对下级政府返还或者给予补助的数额。 | The budget of a local government at any level includes revenues turned over by the governments at lower levels and revenues refunded or subsidies granted by the governments at higher levels. | |
16 | 第六条各部门预算由本部门所属各单位预算组成。 | Article 6 The budget of a department consists of the budgets of the units subordinated to it. | |
17 | 第七条单位预算是指列入部门预算的国家机关、社会团体和其他单位的收支预算。 | Article 7 The budget of a unit refers to the budget for revenues and expenditures of a State organ, social organization or any other unit which is listed in the budget of a department. | |
18 | 第八条国家实行中央和地方分税制。 | Article 8 The State practices a system of tax division between the central and local governments. | |
19 | 第九条经本级人民代表大会批准的预算,非经法定程序,不得改变。 | Article 9 The budget approved by the people’s congress at the corresponding level shall not be altered without going through the procedures prescribed by law. | |
20 | 第十条预算年度自公历 一月一日 起 ,至 十二月三十一日 止。 | Article 10 A budgetary year shall begins on January 1 and end on December 31 on the Gregorian calendar. |