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    But if a candidate loses an election by a big margin , we could say that campaign got blown out of the water, as if by a submarine torpedo. Or we might say simply that the candidate got crushed at the polls. More informally, we might also say the candidate got beat like a rug, which is visually entertaining.

    但是如果候选人大幅度输掉选举,我们可以说这场竞选被击溃(blow out of the water),就像被潜艇鱼雷击溃了。或者我们可以简单地说,这位候选人在投票中被击垮了(get crushed at the polls)。如果更为不正式,我们则可以说这位候选人一败涂地(got beat like a rug),这通常颇具视觉娱乐效果。

    属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-美国大选相关词汇

    Scientists are very careful people, but scientific research is full of errors. Scientists know this. So, they sometimes say that their findings have a margin of error. That margin, or amount, shows how accurate they think their answer really is.


    属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:人非圣贤孰能无过

    You can also add prepositions to this expression. For example, if something is unlikely to happen based on information you have collected about it, it is outside the margin of error. If it is likely to happen, it is within the margin of error.


    属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:人非圣贤孰能无过

    If a candidate wins the election by a large margin -- that is to say won by many, many votes -- he or she has won hands down. We also say the race was a landslide. Or you could say the race was simply no contest.

    如果一位候选人大幅度赢得选举,也就是说赢了很多票,他(她)就是赢得一场唾手可得(hands down)的选举。我们也称这种竞选为一边倒的选举(landslide),或者你也可以说这场竞选毫无竞争( no contest)。

    属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-美国大选相关词汇
