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    Article 53 In case that the laborer has been identified as the occupational-disease victim and the Employer has not effected the policy covering work-related injuries, the current Employer should bear the victim’s medical cost and living cost. Provided that the current Employer can prove that the said occupational disease is resulted from the occupational-disease-inductive factors of the former Employer, the former Employer should bear the cost thereof.

    第五十三条 劳动者被诊断患有职业病,但用人单位没有依法参加工伤社会保险的,其医疗和生活保障由最后的用人单位承担;最后的用人单位有证据证明该职业病是先前用人单位的职业病危害造成的,由先前的用人单位承担。


    Article 54 The occupational-disease victim changing workplace can also enjoy the existing treatments and allowances for occupational-disease victims.

    第五十四条 职业病病人变动工作单位,其依法享有的待遇不变。


    The Employer, upon divest, merge, dissolution and bankruptcy, should make physical examination for the laborers engaged in occupational-disease-inductive operation and properly settle the occupational-disease victims according to applicable regulations.



    Article 55 The public health authority under the county-above people’s government should, based on their respective duties, be responsible for the supervision and inspection of the occupational-disease-prevention work and the inspection/assessment of occupational-disease-inductive factors according to the occupational-disease-prevention laws and regulations, as well as applicable standards and requirements on occupational health.

    第五十五条 县级以上人民政府卫生行政部门依照职业病防治法律、法规、国家职业卫生标准和卫生要求,依据职责划分,对职业病防治工作及职业病危害检测、评价活动进行监督检查。


    Article 56 When performing the duty of supervision and inspection, the public health agencies are entitled to carry out the following measures:

    第五十六条 卫生行政部门履行监督检查职责时,有权采取下列措施:


    56.1 Enter into the inspected organizations and occupational-disease-inductive workplace for field investigation and evidence gathering;



    56.2 Refer to or copy the materials in connection with the practices violating the occupational-disease-prevention laws and regulations and make sampling therefor;



    56.3 Order the organizations and individuals violating the occupational-disease-prevention laws and regulations to stop the illegal practice.



    Article 57 In case of the occupational-disease-inductive accidents or it is proved that the occupational-disease-inductive factors may lead to occupational-disease-inductive accidents, the competent public health authority can take the interim control measures as follows:

    第五十七条 发生职业病危害事故或者有证据证明危害状态可能导致职业病危害事故发生时,卫生行政部门可以采取下列临时控制措施:


    57.1 Order the party concerned to stop the operation leading to occupational-disease-inductive accidents;



    57.2 Seal up the material and equipment that lead to or may lead to occupational-disease-inductive accidents;



    57.3 Keep the occupational-disease-inductive accident site under control.



    Upon the effective control of the occupational-disease-inductive accidents or the harmful scenario, the public health agencies should remove the control measures in time.



    Article 58 The persons engaged in occupational health supervision/law-enforcement should hold the supervision/law-enforcement certificate when performing their legal duties.

    第五十八条 职业卫生监督执法人员依法执行职务时,应当出示监督执法证件。


    The persons engaged in occupational health supervision/law-enforcement should perform their duties faithfully and justly, rigidly adhere to the law-enforcement regulations and keep confidentiality of the trade secrets of the Employer.



    Article 59 The inspected organizations should accept the inspection by the occupational health supervision/law-enforcement personnel and coordinate with the personnel therein. It is not allowed for the inspected organization to refuse and hinder the inspection.

    第五十九条 职业卫生监督执法人员依法执行职务时,被检查单位应当接受检查并予以支持配合,不得拒绝和阻碍。


    Article 60 The public health agencies and the persons engaged in occupational health supervision/law-enforcement are prohibited from the following practices when performing their duties:

    第六十条 卫生行政部门及其职业卫生监督执法人员履行职责时,不得有下列行为:


    60.1 Issue project certifications, qualification certifications or approval to the organizations failing to meet legal conditions;



    60.2 Fail to perform the duty of supervision and inspection to the organizations having procured the legal certificates;



    60.3 Fail to take prompt control measures against the Employer who harbors occupational-disease-inductive factors or may give rise to occupational-disease-inductive accidents;


