1 | 计算导致gonorrhea病的球形细菌Neisseria gonorrhoeae的表/体比。并与球形的大的真核细胞阿米巴比较。 | Calculate the surface-to-volume ratio for the spherical bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae, responsible for the disease gonorrhea. Compare it with the surface-to-volume ratio for a globular amoeba, a large eukaryotic cell. | |
2 | 某些细胞的功能是吸收营养,如小肠中的细胞内衬、植物的根毛细胞最佳地适应了其作用,因为它们通过微绒毛增加了其暴露的表面积。 | Certain cells whose function is to absorb nutrients, such as the cells lining the small intestine or the root hair cells of a plant, are optimally adapted to their role because their exposed surface area is increased by microvilli. | |
3 | 以小肠绒毛球形上皮细胞(直径20μm)为例。 | Consider a spherical epithelial cell (diameter 20 μm)in the lining of the small intestine. | |
4 | 由于只有一部分细胞表面面向小肠的内部,假定一小块大约表面的25%是由绒毛覆盖的, | Given that only a part of the cell surface faces the interior of the intestine, assume that a "patch" corresponding to 25% of the cell area is covered with microvilli. | |
5 | 再进一步假定绒毛是圆柱形的,直径为0.1μm,长1.0μm,绒毛间的中心距离为规则的0.2μm | Furthermore, assume that the microvilli are cylinders 0.1μm in diameter, 1.0 μm long, and spaced in a regular grid 0.2 μm on center. | |
6 | 计算一小块的绒毛数。 | Calculate the number of microvilli on the patch. | |
7 | 假设没有微绒毛计算一小块的表面积。 | Calculate the surface area of the patch, assuming it has no microvilli. | |
8 | 假设有微绒毛计算一小块的表面积。 | Calculate the surface area of the patch, assuming it does have microvilli. | |
9 | 微绒毛的存在使吸收能力(用表体比表示)提高的百分比是多少? | What percentage improvement in absorptive capacity (reflected by the surface-to-volume ratio)does the presence of microvilli provide? | |
10 | 还有哪些其它的细胞器和器官系统采取此种策略提高吸收能力? | What other organelles and organ systems utilize this strategy to improve absorptive capacity? | |
11 | 神经元有长而细的过程称为轴突,这是在整个生物中传递信号的特化结构。 | Neurons possess long, thin processes called axons, which are structures specialized for conducting signals throughout an organism. | |
12 | 有的突轴过程可长达2米,例如足尖上始于脊索止于肌肉的突轴。 | Some axonal processes can be as long as 2 m-for example, the axons that originate in the spinal cord and terminate in the muscles of your toes. | |
13 | 含突轴功能必需物质的膜包围的小囊泡沿微管从细胞体以依赖于kinesin的“轴突的快速运动”方式移动到突轴的顶端。 | Small membrane-enclosed vesicles carrying materials essential to axonal function move along microtubules from the cell body to the tips of axons by kinesin-dependent "fast axonal transport." | |
14 | 如果一个囊泡的平均速度为1μm/sec,从脊索的细胞体移动到足尖的突轴尖端需要多少时间? | If the average velocity of a vesicle is 1 μm/sec, how long does it take a vesicle to move from a cell body in the spinal cord to the axonal tip in the toes? | |
15 | 大分子通过扩散的移动在细胞中速度较慢,但是蔗糖在水溶液中的扩散速度接近于快速移动机理(约为4μm/s), | Movement of large molecules in cells by diffusion occurs relatively slowly in cells..However, the diffusion of sucrose in an aqueous solution occurs at a rate approaching that of fast transport mechanisms (about 4μm/s). | |
16 | 与如果细胞仅依赖于扩散的细胞行为相比,细胞和生物的快速转运有何优点? | What are some advantages to a cell or an organism of fast, directed transport mechanisms, compared to what a cell could do relying on diffusion alone? | |
17 | 早期确定囊泡运动速度的一些研究就是在体外的微管上进行的。 | Some of the studies that originally determined the velocity of vesicular movement were performed on microtubules in vitro (in a dish). | |
18 | 为了分离微管用于研究,完整的神经元首先在0.2M蔗糖存在下(防止细胞内细胞器的渗透膨胀和破裂)匀浆。 | In order to isolate the microtubules for these studies, intact neurons were initially homogenized (broken)in the presence of 0.2 M sucrose to prevent osmotic swelling and bursting of intracellular organelles. | |
19 | 为什么在涉及细胞的分级分离时,这是一重要的考虑? | Why is this an important consideration in studies involving cell fractionation? | |
20 | 从西瓜中分离的瓜氨酸的结构如下,它是D-型的还是L-型的? | The citrulline isolated from watermelons has the structure shown below. Is It a D-or L-amino acid? Explain. |