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    The liability for breach of a contract for the supply and use of water or of a contract for the supply and use of gas may be handled with reference to the provisions of this Article.



    Article 38 Liability for breach of a warehousing contract.

    第三十七条 违反仓储保管合同的责任


    (1)Liability of the safekeeping party:



    a. If improper safekeeping during the period of storage of the goods causes destruction, shortage, deterioration or contamination of or damage to the goods, it shall be liable for paying compensation for the losses. If the goods are damaged or deteriorate due to the packaging not conforming to the stipulations of the contract or due to the valid storage period being exceeded, it shall not be liable for paying compensation.

    1. 货物在储存期间。由于保管不善而发生货物丢失、短少、变质、污染、损坏的,负责赔偿损失。如属包装不符合合同规定或超过有效储存期而造成货物损坏、变质的,不负赔偿责任。


    b. If dangerous articles or perishable goods are not handled according to stipulations or are not carefully stored, and are thereby damaged, it shall be liable for paying compensation for the losses.

    2. 对危险物品和易腐货物,不按规定操作或妥善保管,造成毁损的,负责赔偿损失。


    c. If the goods are withdrawn from the warehouse or cannot be deposited in storage due to the fault of the safekeeping party, it shall make compensation for the storing party’s transportation expenses and pay breach of contract damages in accordance with the provisions of the contract.

    3. 由于保管方的责任,造成退仓或不能入库时,应按合同规定赔偿存货方运资和支付违约金。


    d. In cases where it is the responsibility of the safekeeping party to transport the goods and it fails to ship them on time, it shall compensate the storing party for losses due to overdue delivery; if it sends them to the wrong destination, in addition to transporting the goods without charge to the destination as stipulated in the contract, it shall also compensate the storing party for the actual losses caused thereby.

    4. 由保管方负责发运的货物,不能按期发货,赔偿存货方逾期交货的损失,错发到货地点,除按合同规定无偿运到规定的到货地点外,并赔偿存偿方因此而造成的实际损失。


    1.Liability of the storing party:



    a. Flammable, explosive, poisonous and other dangerous articles and perishable articles must be noted in the contract, and the necessary data must be provided. Otherwise, if any damage to goods or human casualties are caused thereby, it shall be liable for paying compensation and may even be subject to criminal liability.

    1. 易燃产、易爆、有毒等危险物品和易腐物品,必须在合同中注明,并提供必要的资料,否则造成货物毁损或人身伤亡,承担赔偿责任直至刑事责任。


    b. If the weight stored exceeds that agreed upon or the goods are not picked up on time, in addition to the payment of storage fees, it shall also pay breach of contract damages.

    2. 超议定储存量储存或逾期不提时,除交纳保管费外,还应偿付约金。


    Article 39 Liability for breach of a contract for the lease of property.

    第三十八条 违反财产租赁合同的责任


    a. If improper use and safekeeping of the leased property or failure to maintain and keep it in good repair causes damage to or destruction of the property, it shall be responsible for restoration of the property or payment of compensation.

    1. 由于使用保管或维修保养不当,造成租用财产损坏、丢失的,负责修复或贻偿。


    b. If it dismantles or alters a house, equipment, machine tools or other property without permission, it shall be liable for making compensation for the losses caused thereby.

    2. 擅自拆改房屋、设备、机具等财产,负责赔偿由此而造成的损失。


    c. If it sublets the leased property without permission or carries out illegal activities, the lessor shall have the right to rescind the contract.

    3. 擅自将租赁财产转租或进行非法活动,出租方有权解除合同。


    d. If the leased property is not returned at the specified time, in addition to paying the supplemental rent, it shall also pay breach of contract damages.

    4. 逾期不还租赁财产,除补交租金外,还应偿付违约金。


    a. If it does not provide the leased property at the time stipulated in the contract, it shall pay breach of contract damages.

    1. 未按合同规定的时间提供出租财产,应偿付违约金。


    b. If it does not provide the leased property in accordance with the quality stipulated in the contract, it shall be liable for paying compensation for the losses caused thereby.

    2. 未按合同规定质量提供出租财产,负责赔偿由此而靠造成的损失。


    c. If it does not supply related equipment, accessories, etc., in accordance with the provisions of the contract and thereby cause the lessee to be unable to make timely and regular use of the leased property, in addition to supplying what is necessary in accordance with stipulations, it shall also pay breach of contract damages.

    3. 未按合同规定提供有关设备、附件等,致使承租方不能如期正常使用的,除按规定如数补齐外,还应偿付约金。


    d. In the leasing of vessels, vehicles and other large-scale instruments, if improper handling by the lessor or the negligence of service personnel causes the period of the lease to be prolonged, it shall pay the lessee breach of contract damages in accordance with the contract or other relevant stipulations.

    4. 出租船舶、车辆等大型工具,如因出租方操作不当或服务人员的过失,造成租赁逾期,按合同或有关规定偿还承租方违约金。


    Article 39 Liability for breach of a loan contract.

    第三十九条 违反借款合同的责任

